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The Master of Arts in Biblical Hermenutics

 36 Credit/2 years

Program Descriptions

The Master of Arts in Biblical and Exegetical Studies offers 36 credits hour systematic and exegetical studies of the 66 Books of the Bible with special emphasis upon overviews, interpretation, and applications of the Scriptures in terms of God’s covenant. The program helps students explore the text of the Bible within both its historical context and its use in modern, worldwide contexts. It is designed primarily as a degree for students who seek an in-depth knowledge of the Bible in order to strengthen their Christian service as ordained and non-ordained leaders in local congregations, parachurch organizations, and mission agencies. The MABS also is appropriate for Christians in various marketplace vocations who seek a solid biblical foundation for the work in which they are engaged. Knowledge of the biblical languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek—is not required.

Program Objective and Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of The Master of Arts in Biblical and Exegetical Studies

students will be able to: 

  1. recognize the core message of the 66 Books and how God’s covenant works for his kingdom and people. 

  2. Interpret the content of the Old and New Testaments utilizing a literal-grammatical-historical hermeneutic with the centrality of God’s redemption. 

  3. Expound Biblical truths in a variety of settings, contributing to the formation of Christian apologetics in a secular, atheistic and anti-Christian society.  

  4. Integrate biblical knowledge for spiritual growth, discipleship in vocational ministry. 

  5. transformed to be Christlike through applying the truths of the Bible to student themselves 

  6. Apply all findings through studying the 66 books of Bible into the sermon making and life and ministry.  

  7. develop leadership in a variety of ministry contexts inside and outside of the local church through using biblical truths gained in the class. 

  8. Practice and apply the biblical message in students’ life and ministry through using the Experiential Learning Model in the antichristian world

Admission Requirements

The Admissions Committee will review all submitted information. Any student seeking admission to The Master of Arts in Biblical and Exegetical Studies program must possess an accredited Bachelor of Arts degree or its equivalent and a grade point average of 2.5 on all previous post-secondary credits to be admitted on other than a probationary status. Whenever deemed necessary, the Admissions Committee or the Admissions Office may also request an interview with the candidate for a final acceptance approval.


  1. Application form 

  2. non-refundable application fee($100).

  3. Copy of official transcripts, showing all courses pursued, grades received, and degrees earned, and indicating a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent.

  4. A certified copy of the applicant’s bachelor's degree from an accredited college, university or seminary.

  5. Two letters of recommendation from the applicant’s pastor or an ordained minister, a teacher or a college professor, and one other non-family person.

  6. Signed GCS Release and Assignment Form 

  7. Signed GCS Student Disclosure Agreement Form 

  8. A valid government-issued ID (Driver’s License, passport, etc.) 

Suggested Progress Plan

(36 Credit Hours Required)


4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360


©2020 by Globe Covenant Seminary. 

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