2. Tuition & Fee
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
1. Overview of GCS Programs
2. Tuition & Fee
> partner church

Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)
Master of Ministry
Biblical Studies
90 Credit for Chaplaincy /84 for Leadership Study(3-4 Year)
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.

4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360 I Tel. 770-878-7102
학사 과정
1. The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies (BABTS, 신학학사. 120 credit hours, 4yrs)
프로그램개관: 신학학사로서 성경 전체의 지식을 토대로 기독교 세계관을 형성하여 그리스도인으로서 그리스도의 의 성품을 닮고 사역을 계승하는 삶을 계발하는 것을 목적으로 함
지원자격: 고등학교 졸업자
제출서류: 지원서 (GCS소정의 양식), 고등학교졸업장, 여권(사진페이지) (내국인 경우 운전면허증)
커리큘럼: Suggested Progress Plan (120 Credits)
*all students of GCS attend Chapel Worship one time per week on campus or via online and take the prerequisite of GCS Theology and Confession 101 (3 credits) within 1 year.