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2. Tuition & Fee
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
1. Overview of GCS Programs
2. Tuition & Fee
> partner church

Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)
Master of Ministry
Biblical Studies
90 Credit for Chaplaincy /84 for Leadership Study(3-4 Year)
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.

4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360 I Tel. 770-878-7102
Ph.D 가을 학기 모집
지원 및 등록기간: 2020년 9월 1일 - 30일 지원방법: 본교 웹 사이트 www.gcseminary.us에서 지원서를 다운로드 받은 후 작성하여 로 접수 등록방법: 합격이 통지된 후 학생들에게 이메일로 수강 신청(에 관한 정보를 발송함.
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